Like a stampede of hunger-crazed gazelles with exceedingly high food standards, the Milwaukee Foodies horde desceneded upon Bartolotta's Harbor House Tuesday, 1/10/12, in order to finally, conclusively decide that oysters are indeed both frighteningly ugly and frighteningly delicious all at once.
Your humble staff at Eating Milwaukee had an awesome time slurping back bivalves of all shapes and sizes (in the name of journalism, of course), and catching up with all of those cool movers and shakers in the food community in our fair burg.
Check out the gallery below to get up to speed with all the juicy (get it... juicy... oysters... oyster liquor... oh, never mind) details...
Your humble staff at Eating Milwaukee had an awesome time slurping back bivalves of all shapes and sizes (in the name of journalism, of course), and catching up with all of those cool movers and shakers in the food community in our fair burg.
Check out the gallery below to get up to speed with all the juicy (get it... juicy... oysters... oyster liquor... oh, never mind) details...
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